The Family

The Family
Justice, Logan, Jacy Klaire, Joy, Josie Kate, Luke, Megan, Judah, Kerry, Jaxon

Thursday, January 14, 2010


We want to thank everyone for the encouragement. I wanted to let everyone know that Julie Wirries sent word to her son that she is safe. We do not have more details than that but we praise the Lord for her safety.

We are trying to get things arranged to get back down into Port Au Prince proper but it is less secure than it was when we went the first time yesterday. The military teams begin arriving tomorrow and them more humanitarian aid teams will be able to mobilize. We will continue to try to partner with a couple of different groups to provide man power and supplies along with any other transportation etc. that we have at our disposal. Diesel fuel is a real issue. All the pumps are out and the supply has ended for the moment in most places. We use it not only for the vehicles but also for the generators to keep electricity for the compound. We have heard of more violent episodes than we care to admit so it keeps us cautious and prayerful as we move forward with our aid. We will be working with the refugees that have fled the city and have little or no food and clothing right now until we are able to get back into the heart of the city in the next few days. We will keep everyone posted on how things are going as we see God work to restore order and exhibit mercy and grace in a time of unimaginable devastation. Thank you for your prayers for the Haitian people. To sit today and see my best Haitian friend describe to me how hard it is that he has not heard from his brother yet. We did not find him when we went in yesterday. This afternoon they took the truck but also three motorcycles on back so they could get into areas where the truck will not go. Pray they find him and discover he is okay. Almost everyone we know has taken in loved ones that have fled the city in fear that more buildings will collapse. Pray for us to know how to minister to them and help them as they cope with these difficulties.

It is truly hard but Haitians are amazingly able to deal with hard times. Everyday is hard here. Insecurity, lack of daily needs of food and proper shelter, bad government, and manipulation by many of the outsiders that come are everyday challenges to our Haitian friends. 2008 saw 4 storms that devastated much of the country. Repeated violent overthrows of the government in the past have left their scars. But this is different. The amount of loss of life has affected everyone. The fact that the financial, business, educational, and social hub of the country has been pretty much leveled is a tough blow. Had the quake hit anywhere else in the country it would be simply a few months until things were back to status quo. Not this time. Most of us in the US can't understand the dynamics of how Haiti works and how it all revolves around a functioning Port Au Prince. Pray God restores functionality to the system quickly for the sake of the average Haitian that depends on imported rice and beans, cooking oil, diesel fuel, and many other daily needs that have to flow through PAP before reaching their charcoal stoves and tap tap taxis.

We know you are there for us. You have encouraged us so much in the last few days. But don't spend all your time praying for us. We are safe. Our families are safe. We want you joining with us to pray prayers that make a difference for a nation. For a whole generation. THEN we will feel like the struggle and hardship has been worth it all.


Leah said...

I am so thankful you guys are okay. My prayers are with the Haitian people. Our God is an amazing God. I pray that he helps open the eyes of some people through this terrible time. I heard these words in a song today and it blessed my heart because they are so very true..."We should all feel safe in knowing that the hands that hold the earth....are the hands that hold our hearts:) and when you can't see past your broken road...just know God has it under control!!" My prayers are with you all. God Bless!!

Elizabeth said...

Thank the Lord that you all are safe!We have prayed for your family and the Haitian people. My heart breaks when I see the news footage. But we know the Lord will never leave us nor forsake us.

Anonymous said...

Prayers being lifted high. Joy, I sent you a e-mail..I am a old friend of your sister-
Stephanie she ask me to write you..we hope to hear from you soon.
Stay strong for HE is with you.
Love & Blessings....Dorothy

Lynn Tarvin said...

Kerry and Joy,

Our prayers do continue with you and you are in our thoughts. The Noland Road Baptist Church team that came in July has met four or five times since for prayer over the youths that we worked with and the ministry in Montrouis. We are in the process of making plans to continue the work with the youth over the next three years.

We are glad to hear of Julie's safety, and we do know that our God is sovereign, might to save, both for eternity and for today and tomorrow.

God bless you all.

Anonymous said...

I just read the artcle about you in the HDR today. It was very touching. God is definitely working through you. My prayers are with you and the people of Haiti.

Dawn Reeves Samples said...

Kerry and Joy,
We are praying you and all the people and workers helping there in Haiti.Seeing all of what is happening there makes me want to go and be there to help too. I can remember once when I was younger going through Haiti to an MK retreat and it marked me even then. I cannot even begin to imagine what you are facing and seeing now. Know that you are lifted in prayer and that we love you!!!

Anonymous said...

Saw the article in the HDR. Your family was also mentioned on Healing Flow Ministry's Facebook. I have been reading your blog from the beginning, I have been so touched by your story, your obedience and the love that you have for the Haitian people. May God continue to give grace, mercy, love, and strength with each opportunity you are given to share the love of Christ.
As I read the words from Casting Crowns Until the Whole World Hears came to my mind

Want to be your hands and feet
Want to be a life that leads
To see you set the captive free
Until the whole world hears
and I pray that they will see more of you and less of me

You and your family are the picture of the hands and feet. You are in my prayers!
Hickory, NC

Simply-Crafted said...

We are praying for you and so glad to hear that you all are ok. May God bless you, we will continue to pray.

Christy Hollstrom Greene said...

Kerry, God is good! I am praying for you and your family as well as all of the Hatians. I am so thankful to know you and your family are ok. Mom talked to your dad for us and said that he thought he would be down their at the end of the month. I will pray for his trip and his ministry, too. Love yall! Take care and God bless! Chrisy Hollstrom Greene

Anonymous said...

James 1:27 (New International Version)

27Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and WIDOWS in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.